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Development of the Speicherstadt - Single Player

This is a walking tour where you can learn a lot about the history of the Speicherstadt and its current attractions. The tour starts at Domplatz (at Speersort) and takes you from the beginnings of Hamburg in the Old Town to the modern HafenCity and the Speicherstadt. As this is a slightly longer route, you should be good on your feet. Have fun! Tip: To start, look for the HVV stop in front of the cathedral, where there may be free wifi to charge the Bound. //This Bound was created as part of a cooperation between the cultural authority and the UNESCO project school Gymnasium Osterbek and was created by students from the art course.
Create Bound Challenge
Start guide
approx. 150 minutes
approx. 6.5 km
Singleplayer Bound
3 stages
12 information
26 quizzes
6 missions
19 locations
1 Survey


AnonymousApr 10, 20233746
AnonymousMay 28, 20243606
AnonymousFeb 20, 20243526
AnonymousAug 1, 20243354
AnonymousJun 22, 20243281

Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.

approx. 150 minutes
approx. 6.5 km
Singleplayer Bound
Deutsch, English, Français, Español
3 stages
12 information
26 quizzes
6 missions
19 locations
1 Survey
Overall rating
Places of interest
Elodie et Jérémie
Merci pour cette riche découverte ! La carte aide parfois plus que les noms de rue
Vielen Dank … für die tollen Eindrücke durch euren Action Bound.
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