App zum Quadrat Skulpturenpark

Das Museumszentrum Quadrat in Bottrop ist umgeben vom Stadtgarten. Hier gibt es einige Kunstwerke zu entdecken.
Mach dich mit Hilfe der App auf deinen eigenen Weg. Interaktive Aufgaben und Fragen zu den Kunstwerken und der Umgebung begleiten dich.
Start guide

Create Bound Challenge
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
Bound Challenge created
Bound Challenge:
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
approx. 45 minutes
approx. 1 km
Singleplayer Bound
8 information
7 quizzes
8 missions
1 Survey
Players | Date | Points | |
Anonymous | May 21, 2023 | 684 | |
Anonymous | Sep 16, 2024 | 676 | |
Anonymous | Jul 30, 2023 | 636 | |
Anonymous | Nov 3, 2024 | 588 | |
Anonymous | May 21, 2023 | 570 |
Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.
approx. 45 minutes
approx. 1 km
Singleplayer Bound
8 information
7 quizzes
8 missions
1 Survey